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top ten tips on tipping in the us

Here's 10 tips on tipping in the US.

1. THE EXCEPTION: One of the first questions Aussies raise about tipping is: "But what if the service is terrible? Do you still have to tip?" The answer is NO. You don't have to tip. If you decide your waiter doesn't deserve a tip don't be shy about it. If he/she took three hours to serve you, was rude and the food was cold or not cooked how you ordered it, he/she doesn't deserve a tip. Don't scamper out the exit or get angry. Ask for the manager and tell him/her. You may even get a free meal out of it.

2. BE PREPARED: There's a reason why the US has kept its $US1 notes while the rest of the world has moved on to $1 coins. Make sure you have plenty in your wallet or purse. If you find you are in the hotel lobby and you only have $20 notes, that is not an excuse. Don't be shy. Don't shrug your shoulders and say you only have big notes. Ask the porter if he has change. They'll gladly provide it. Or go to the front desk and they will break big notes. Have your dollar notes in a separate pocket.

3. RESTAURANTS/CAFE: The general rule for a restaurant or cafe is to tip 15 to 20 per cent of your bill total. If you are mathematically challenged, there is an easy way to work it out. Most states in the US charge a sales tax of about 8 per cent. it is visible on the bill. So just double the tax you see on the bill and maybe add a dollar to it. If you are splurging in a five star restaurant and it lives up to your expectations, you should tip at least 20 per cent. Maybe 25 per cent. That's a big chunk of change on $US200-plus bill. Just to make it a little scarier, at the finer restaurants your bill will also probably contain a section to tip the maitre de' or captain. That was the man/woman who showed you to your table and maybe came over during the meal to ask if it was OK. Again, give him/her what he/she deserves. I generally tip the waiter 20-25 per cent in a nice restaurant and then $US5 or $US10, or if they deserve it, $US20, to the maitre de'.

4. FAST FOOD/SUPERMARKETS: There is a way to avoid tipping waiters and captains. Eat at McDonald's or the like. There's two good aspects to this. You don't tip if you buy food over a counter (although don't be surprised if you see a cup next to the cash register with a 'Tips Welcome' sign. You also don't have to tip checkout employees at supermarkets. The second positive of this is after a month in the US and only eating McDonald's you'll know exactly what Morgan Super Size Me Spurlock went through.

5. HAIRDRESSER: You are in the US on a holiday and want to go to a famed Beverly Hills or Manhattan hairstylist. If you do, take your credit card and a pocket of cash. My wife loves to tell the story of her first US hair experience. She booked into a famous Manhattan stylist in the Plaza Hotel for a simple blow dry. She sat down in the chair. An assistant asked her if she would like a coffee or tea. She said yes. The tea was delicious. The assistant discreetly left an empty envelope next to her. Another employee washed her hair. After a great wash and massage, the person left another envelope next to her. Then the hairstylist did the blow dry. He left an envelope. My wife did not have a clue what the envelopes were for. Nobody explained it. She paid for her blow dry and left. It was only a few weeks later when she was talking to an American friend she was informed she should have left maybe $US2 or $US3 tip for the tea. About $US3 to $US5 to the person who washed her hair and to the stylist a 20 per cent tip based on the cost of the $US100 blow dry. She hasn't been back.

6. TAXIS: Taxi drivers expect a 10 to 20 per cent tip. If they don't help me with my bags I go low. If they are a helpful, don't smoke a pack of cigarettes, use deodorant and go a direct route, I head towards the 20 per cent.

7. TOUR GUIDES: If you are in the US and go on a guided tour of celebrity homes, historic places etc and you thought the guide did a good job, at the end give him/her $US5 or $US10.

8. BAGS: The answer to the question about how much to tip the porter who takes your bags to your hotel room and points out where the $US12 can of Coke is? The general rule is you pay him $US1 a bag. But if he/she goes above and beyond, throw in a few extra dollars. No coins! Also, porters (sky-captains) located curbside at the airport expect tips. Have you seen the Seinfeld episode when Jerry and Elaine debate about how much to tip a sky-captain? Jerry wants to give him $US10 for their three bags but Elaine thinks it is too expensive. They ask the sky-captain and he says he usually gets $US5 a bag. Elaine gets angry and abuses the sky-captain and threatens to report him for trying to rip them off. Jerry pays the guy. The scene ends with the sky-captain putting the correct tags on Jerry's bags so they will arrive in New York, but he purposely tags Elaine's bags for Honolulu. When it comes to people like sky-captains, it is worth handing over a few extra bucks ... or better still just avoid them and carry your own bags into the airport.

9. GRATUITY ALREADY INCLUDED: Sometimes restaurants automatically include the tip in the bill. This particularly happens in tourist hotels and areas. You don't have to accept it. If the service was not up to standard tell him/her to take it out of the bill. It can also work to your advantage. It takes the mystery out of how much of a tip is OK and the restaurant could calculate it at just 10 or 12 per cent when you were willing to go to 20 per cent.

10.ASK:feel free and ask anyone 

top ten tips on tipping in the us top ten tips on tipping in the  us Reviewed by vv on 08:44:00 Rating: 5

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